Monday, March 28, 2011

Something New and a Little Romantic

You may have noticed that I really don't do many earrings. I'm not sure why, other than they just don't come to mind when I am looking through stones. Maybe it's because I tend to buy large stones...
Plus I like my earrings to be symmetrical, so I also need my stones to be symmetrical.

Well, while browsing stones on Etsy, I found these cute little Stichtite pear shaped stones. They immediately screamed, buy me and make me into earrings. I didn't even have to wonder what to do with them....

I set them down on paper and my hand started drawing. It was almost as if I was being lead by the stone (well, if you have ever set stone, you know that is exactly what happened). Anyway, here is the result of a set of beautiful stones that lead me to set them exactly as they wished.

These beauties can be found in my Etsy store

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you should make more earrings...these are lovely.